
Join the Team

Volunteers are always our greatest need & resource. The meeting dates for our next Kairos are listed on the Announcements tab. If you want to be a part of our next Kairos team that has a front row seat at the miracles taking place within the Memorial unit, complete a team application available at the bottom of this page and bring it to the first team meeting or Contact Us for more information.  

TDCJ Training

Volunteers who enter TDCJ units to participate in Kairos other than the closing must first complete volunteer orientation training. The TDCJ, not Kairos, provides this training. To apply to receive the training see TDCJ Training

Attend the Closing

Want to come inside a maximum security prison for 2 hours and see God at work? The Memorial Team Invites all to come join us in a Celebration and witness what GOD is truly doing inside the prison during the closing event for the next weekend. You do not need special TDCJ training to attend but must complete a Closing application.

Other Ways to Help

See the many ways you can help in "Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives, and Impacting the World” at Memorial Prison at How Can I Help?

The team application pdf file can be opened by clicking here on Kairos 70 Team Application. The file must be manually filled after printing and the completed application can either be brought to a team meeting or emailed after scanning to the address indicated on the form.