
Help bring the Light into the darkness…

Kairos #69 was held at the Memorial Unit from October 24-27, 2024.  According to our weekend leader, Bob Ross, "Memorial Kairos #69 weekend was a true blessing.  The family members bonded quickly after Thursday evening and by Saturday morning, the unification was amazing.  The table volunteers worked extremely well together and our end of day team meetings were productive.  The closing was incredible and well attended. Our fourth day speaker did not have a script or note cards, but didn't need them.  He spoke from the heart, and had an incredible talk.  One highlight was 40 of the 42 participants getting up to speak at open mic on Saturday.  The testimony, tears, and support of other family members was the Spirit of God being with us. Lives of the men were changed by our Lord’s presence."

Our 2025 January One-Day Retreat was held inside the Memorial Unit on Saturday, January 18th and it was led by Chris Kochenower.  The theme for this One-Day Retreat was “Discovery Through Song” blending themes from the Discovery Through Study talk and songs plucked directly from Bible texts.  The day provided the opportunity for over 100 men from inside and outside the unit to join in song to offer praise to our God.  Furthermore, we joined together as a community to share the insights on the methods we use to learn more about Him.  Our next one-day retreat will by this Summer on Saturday, July 26, 2025, and it will be led by John Olivo.

We have just finalized our plan for the Memorial Kairos #70 Team Formation meetings with all of our Church Partners.

Please consider inviting anyone who would like to learn more about the Kairos Prison Ministry to one or all of these meetings.

Those specifically interested in joining the Memorial Kairos Outside Team can learn more by contacting Becca Porter at

Meeting #1 – Feb 8th – 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Harvest Methodist (Weekend Host Church) – CONFIRMED

Meeting #2 – Feb 22nd – 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Houston Northwest – CONFIRMED

Meeting #3 – March 8th – 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM – Klein Methodist (with Lunch) - CONFIRMED

Meeting #4 – March 22nd – 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM – Sugar Creek Baptist (with Lunch) - CONFIRMED

Meeting #5 – April 12th – 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Cypress Methodist – CONFIRMED

Meeting #6 – April 24th – 8:00 AM to Noon – Harvest Methodist (with Lunch) – CONFIRMED
                                                        The Weekend begins that afternoon.

#70 WEEKEND – from Wednesday, April 23rd (outside Team set-up at our Weekend Host Church Partner – Harvest Methodist) through Sunday, April 27th (with our afternoon Closing Service – TDCJ Memorial Chapel)

The Team Application is available on the Participate or Downloads & Links

The Closing Application is now available at the bottom of Attend Closing or on Downloads & Links

Closing Ceremony Sunday, April 27, 2025 3-5PM "Memorial Chapel of the Resurrection" (Closing Application must be approved.)

Instructional Reunion is tentatively scheduled for Sat, May 3 at the Memorial Unit  (Important Volunteer Attendance!)

Please be in prayer about How Can I Help? on Memorial #70.

The team application pdf file can be opened by clicking here on Kairos 70 Team Application. The file must be manually filled after printing and the completed application can either be brought to a team meeting or emailed after scanning to the address indicated on the form.