
Greatly needed are your donation of funds which enable the Memorial Kairos Ministry to continue. Every Kairos weekend retreat costs about $20,000. No team member gets paid & there are strict ministry guidelines for any expenditures with annual audits.

Each of you should give what you

have decided in your heart to give, 

not reluctantly or under compulsion, 

for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Memorial Kairos Prison Ministry is a 100% volunteer organization and part of Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit corporation chartered in the State of Florida. You will be provided an end-of-year receipt for your tax-deductible donation.

Make your check or money order payable to Kairos of Texas & mail to:

Kairos of Texas

P. O. BOX 402

Cypress, TX 77410

Additionally, you can bring your check to a team meeting listed on Announcements and give it directly to our Kairos Treasurer.

You can also donate online with paypal or credit card using the Kairos of Texas Donation site. Detailed pdf instructions are available on the page. In order for our Memorial Kairos to get your donation, you must designate "Memorial" at check out so look for "! CLICK HERE TO DESIGNATE A UNIT !" & enter “Memorial” otherwise your donation will not go to our unit.

Thank you for your tax deductible donation!

The donation of your time, prayers, and love of God may inspire you to participate on a team.  Please Contact Us if you think you may have an interest in serving the Holy Spirit by joining a Kairos team at Memorial

There are many ways to contribute to the Memorial Kairos prison ministry listed on How Can I Help?